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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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Group RWP 1 (Ewald Poetisi)

Name: Ewald Poetisi, Anuradha Malti Monorath, Janelle Natalia Caupain, Andre Forster, Marjory Kartini Danoe-Alimoenadi

Title of RWP: Set up  training programs will be set up to train the artisanal and small scale miners in Suriname to develop the neglected minerals.

Brief Description: The plan aims to incorporate the Neglected Development minerals (NDM’S) by   in the curricula of the Department of Geology and Mining at Anton the Kom University of Suriname. In cooperation with the School of Geology and Mining Technology (SGMT), at UNASAT and the Geological and Mining Services of Suriname (GMD) training programs will be set up to train the artisanal and small scale miners in Suriname to develop the neglected minerals.

Workshop: Caribbean Regional Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health and Safety, Guyana, April 2016.

Full Progress Report not submitted yet.

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