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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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RWP of Nzila Ruth Lubinda

Name: Nzila Ruth Lubinda

Title of RWP: Community training, Conflict Management and Scenario Mapping

Brief Description: Following the implementation of the Decentralization Policy, the Municipality is required to work closely with the community in all decision making in the district which will directly or indirectly affect them. This birthed the need for the newly established Ward Development Committees which were established in the district by December 2016. These institutions provide a direct link to training and development in the district. In view of the above, the project aims to conduct development mineral training through these establishments. 

Workshop: Training of Trainers workshop on mine and quarry management, environmental, health and safety & human, labor rights and community relations in the Development Minerals sector, Kitwe, Zambia

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RWP of N.R. Lubinda

English (334.81 KB - DOCX)