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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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Group RWP (Richard Okuku)

Name: Richard Okuku, Afisha Kyomugisha, Norman Kanyesigye, Charles Musoke

Title of RWP: Enhancing awareness of Local Government Leaders in the proper management of development minerals and their impact towards social, economic and environmental facets in their jurisdictions.

Brief Description: The project will focus on two strategic objectives;

i. To build the Capacities of Local Government Leaders in the Five ULGA Regions (I.e. Central, North, East Karamoja, and West Region)

ii. To conduct Social dialogue forums between the Local Government Leaders and Artisanal Miners at District and SubCounty Levels 

Workshop: Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health & Safety in the Development Minerals Sector, Entebbe - Uganda


Full Progress Report not submitted yet.

Related documents

Return to Work Plan _ Okuku

English (757.56 KB - PDF)