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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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RWP of Sarah Namara

Name: Sarah Namara

Title of RWP: Initiative to empower Women in mining Uganda to actively embrace and sustainably benefit from the mineral sector. 

Brief Description: The project is aimed at creating an empowering network to inspire, support and develop the progression of women working in Uganda's mineral sector through mentorship, specific-capacity building initiatives for skills development, education on women's rights and their respons ibilities in the sector. The Project will coordinate activities of grassroot organizations to establish a vibrant and broad- based network of regional women organizations concerned with the challenges encountered by women in Uganda’s mineral sector.

Workshop: Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health & Safety in the Development Minerals Sector, Entebbe - Uganda


Full Progress Report not submitted yet.

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Return to Work Plan _ Namara

English (951.55 KB - PDF)