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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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Group RWP 1 (Rosemary Okla)

Name: Ishmael Quacoe, John Adu Kumi, Lawrence Amoako Asare, RoseMary Okla, Richard Ellimah, Jerry Kwame Ahadjie, Sylvia Sefakor Senu, Raymond Kudzawu-D’Pherdd

Title of RWP: Provide guidance to ameliorate the conditions of mine employers (especially women and children) in the Asaman Quarry.

Brief Description: The expected outcomes are the following: 

  • Appreciate and welcome the concept of formalisation
  • Become conscious of the environmental, health and safety hazards and dangers concerning their sanitation. , and the use gloves, helmet and other necessary PPEs.
  • Be introduced to proper record-keeping for cash flows, credits and debits  as well as records of incidents, near misses and accidents, demand and market prices and 
  • Be exposed to Skills and techniques, and harnessing local and international technology and best industry practices for their development

Workshop: West Africa Regional Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health and Safety, Ghana, March 2016.


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