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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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RWP of Paxina Mwitumwa

Name: Paxina Mwitumwa

Title of RWP: Sensitize the Small Scale Miners on the neglected Development Minerals production.


- Educate the Miners and to facilitate knowledge exchange on value addition to low value minerals and gemstones.

- Work as a team through formalization of the Associations, which are there, although not very active

- Support the participation of more women in small scale mining

- Strengthen the Mining Association for sustainable social and environmental programs

- Encourage the small scale Miners to Work as a team for transparent and accountability, raise awareness that all minerals have the market, nothing can be thrown out

Workshop: Training of Trainers workshop on mine and quarry management, environmental, health and safety & human, labor rights and community relations in the Development Minerals sector.  

Full Progress Report not submitted yet.

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Return to Work Plan _ Mwitumwa

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