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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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Group RWP 1 (Vincent Kedi)

Name: Godfrey Bahati, Agnes Alaba, Gabriel Data, Vincent Kedi, Deborah Iyebu, Ruth Mbabazi, Stephen Padde Engidoh, Christopher Musiime, Bwesigye Don Binyina

Title of RWP: Foster the sustainable and inclusive development of the development mineral sector in Uganda.

Brief Description: Foster the sustainable and inclusive development of the low-value mineral sector in Uganda, with a main focus on ensuring a formalized, organized and profitable LVMM sector that employs efficient technologies in a socially and environmentally sound manner; and sensitization of public, private and community stakeholders engaged in oversight, policy design and administration, advocacy and investments within the LVMM sub sector at a regional level.

Workshop: East Africa Regional Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health and Safety, Ethiopia, November 2015.


Full Progress Report not submitted yet. 

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