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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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Group RWP 1 (Onisimo Fonmanu)

Name: Akuila Raibevu, Christine Prasad Singh, Vira Atalifo, Kitione Raratabu, Noa Yuiloma, Apete Soro,Raymond Mohammed, Sakiusa Waqanisau, Onisimo Fonmanu, Nadidi Taginaselala,Sereima Koli, Makerata Takala, Kalara Bari, Raijeli Taga

Title of RWP: Creation of an NDM industry national committee

Brief Description:A national committee made up of representatives from various stakeholders in the NDM industry in Fiji is currently non-existent but is necessary to ensure that issues related to the industry are debated and decision making processes are inclusive, transparent, are in line with all relevant national legislations and policies and creates win-win situations for all parties involved.  

This committee will also provide a platform for strengthened and strategic partnership between government, private sector, civil societies and communities to come together to discuss best practices and guidelines, identify gaps within current national policies and ways to improve the NDM industry in Fiji to ensure:

  • Reduced  environmental impacts 
  • Equitable returns to the communities
  • Economic viability of the industry
  • Improved health and safety within the workplace 
  • Reduced health impacts to nearby communities 

Workshop: Pacific Regional Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health and Safety, Fiji, December 2015. 

Full Progress Report not submitted yet.

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Return to Work Plan _ Onisimo Fonmanu

English (194.27 KB - PDF)