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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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RWP of Michael Akatwijuka

Name: Michael Akatwijuka 

Title of RWP: Develop a “practicable” Occupational Health and Safety training manual to be shared with the Civil society, the local government and all relevant bodies and entities public and private.

Brief Description: This manual will address the real challenges and how to train miners who are not currently organised. It will be a result of keenly looking at the current laws, Acts and Regulations and others to clearly identify a practical way to disseminate OHS aspects to the largely artisanal and not very organised development minerals miners. The Civil Society can come in handy in voicing out the grey areas within our laws that make it hard for OSH aspects to be implemented with in the development minerals.

Workshop: Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health & Safety in the Development Minerals Sector, Entebbe - Uganda


Full Progress Report not submitted yet.

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